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中国政府采购招标网(www.chinabidding.org.cn) 第【2293】号 发布时间:2015年10月10日

所在地区: 国际
所属行业: 其它



















  New Zealand schools AoG contracts

  What are All-of-Government contracts?

  All-of-Government (AoG) contracts are part of the Government’s Procurement Reform Programme, negotiating supply agreements between the Crown and approved suppliers for selected goods and services.

  By harnessing the collective buying power of over 200 State sector agencies and now 2,500 schools, government has positioned itself as a ‘customer of choice’ and is able to achieve substantial cost savings.

  The AoG contracting approach has wide benefits to agencies, schools, suppliers and, ultimately, the New Zealand taxpayer.

  The initial four contracts, for Desktop/Laptops, Office Consumables, Print Devices, and Vehicles were established in mid-2010 and have seen Government agencies migrate over to them since.

  The contracts are overseen by the Government Procurement Branch within the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and managed by the individual Centres of Expertise (CoE)。

  Is the Ministry of Education aware of this?

  Absolutely, in fact the Ministry of Education (MoE) is itself already signed up to use AoG contracts! MoE understand the importance of looking to gather the very best deal at the very best price which has seen them move their fantastic TELA promotions to the AoG as well. This means that even before your school has decided to sign up to the AoG contracts, your teachers are already seeing the benefit of this initiative.

  Which schools have already signed up for AoG contracts?

  AoG contracts are starting to build momentum in the Education Sector. Here's what some of the participating schools are saying about the benefits of the contract.

  (Feedback from school on AoG contracts)

  "All of Government is a great initiative and we are very happy with the financial benefits we are now receiving with our procurement requirements though AoG.”

  (Verna Purvis - Kelston Deaf Education Centre)

  "From an admin point of view it was really a no-brainer. We have reduced the number of suppliers we deal with - less paper to push, both in and out - and are enjoying decreased costs, owing to significant savings and increased discounts that AoG gives.”

  (Chris Foote, Executive Officer - Otahuhu College)

  “We gained real value from utilising the AOG Procurement Model.”

  (Mark Bloor, IT Manager, Waiariki Institute of Technology)

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